These values are obtained from Table B.5.4, using the columns for flush-tank systems 1. The maximum probable demand in gpm is marked on the drawing for each section next to the WSFU values.Many designers use parentheses marks for WSFU to distinguish them from gpm values. These values are obtained from Tables B.5.2 and B.5.3. The water supply fixture unit (WSFU) loads are marked on the drawing next to each section of the system.After the information is known, the isometric drawing (Figure B.8.1) is marked up with general water supply information, and the mains, risers, and branches are suitably identified.All information necessary to develop the design must be obtained from appropriate sources.Piping Serving Fixtures in Other than Dwelling Units Piping Serving Fixtures in 3 or more Dwellings
Piping Serving Fixtures in 1 or 2 Dwellings
Hot water temperature is 140 deg F controlled by water heater thermostat WATER SUPPLY FIXTURE UNITS (WSFU)